Saturday Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Belin Tsinnajinnie (Research Associate in Mathematics Education at WestEd)
Navigating Mathematics, Mathematics Education, and Mathematics Education Research as an Indigenous and Filipinx Scholar
Mathematical learning experiences are greatly shaped through the experiences and perspectives of research mathematicians, mathematics educators, and mathematics education researchers. Although learning and doing mathematics is central to these discussions, there can be tensions and power dynamics around discourses around what mathematics should be valued and whose perspectives should be centered. In this talk, I share my perspectives around these dynamics as I navigate through career opportunities and struggles as an Indigenous and Filipinx scholar, who also feels the need to center family, community, and connection to place.
Sunday Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Keri Sather-Wagstaff (Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at Clemson University)
Gender Equity Transitions: From Awareness to Action to ACTION
Gender inequity is a pervasive issue in mathematics and other fields. Explicit and implicit bias and harassment are ongoing causes of trauma against people who are not cis white men. In addition to causing harm to individual human beings, these result in significant issues of recruitment, retention, and promotion of people who love mathematics and want to be a part of the scientific enterprise. In this presentation I will discuss some projects I’ve been part of working to overturn these barriers for women and people who are trans, nonbinary, and/or intersex.