It can be difficult to gather the information you need to build your math career. 

We've been there, and we've got your back.

Our Mission

Our goal is to share career-building resources with students who might otherwise slip through the cracks of the educational pipeline because they don't fit the mold of a "typical" mathematician. OURFA2M2 is an annual resource fair designed for underrepresented undergrad math students, by current and recent students. 

You're not alone on your mathematical journey. You're with us now.

- Ashka Dalal, Sierra Edelstein, Bowen Li, tahda queer, Skye Rothstein, Lydia Vann, Cyrus Young

Our Event

Our two-day annual conference includes 30+ sessions ranging from 20-90 minutes, with several running in parallel. We offer a resource presentation, 8 crash courses on advanced math topics, 12 stories from marginalized mathematicians, a professional panel about opportunities, a student panel about valuable experiences, 2 networking lunches, 2 keynote talks, and 4 allyship workshops for faculty.

Is this conference for me?

This conference is for:

Anyone is welcome to attend, and our programming is curated for students from underrepresented and marginalized groups in mathematics. 

We also encourage attendance of faculty and leaders of math organizations interested in connecting with, mentoring, or recruiting students from diverse backgrounds.

Please share our poster with your department, professors, students, colleagues, friends, pets, or anyone else you think might be interested!


📚 Crash Courses

Get a taste of a few exciting research topics to inform your path through the math world

💬 Our Stories

Hear inspiring journeys from mathematicians who share their unique experiences, challenges, and choices

❓ Q&A Panels

Interactive discussions with peers and mentors to learn about opportunities which can advance your career

 🍽️ Networking Lunches

Connect with peers and professionals over a virtual lunch—expand your network, meet new friends and mentors

✊🏾Allyship Workshops for Faculty

Build skills to help you understand, support, and communicate with your marginalized students

You're a part of OURFA²M² now.

Let’s build a vibrant community together.