
Welcome to the Resources Bulletin! Below is a list of opportunities and organizations relevant to various points of your mathematical career.

Info on Finding and Applying to...

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs)

REUs are a wonderful opportunity to gain experience in research and exposure to different fields of mathematics. Young mathematicians from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply!

Finding an REU:

There are hundreds of REUs available to students across the world. Here are some websites to help you in your search of a program that fits your interests and needs as a mathematician!

Applying for an REU:

Once you've found an REU and are ready to apply, we have many resources to help you in completing your application.

Also see this list of questions posted on a blog for the AMS to ask REU programs (and graduate schools) to help in the selection process of which program you would like to attend.

Graduate Schools

Finding Graduate Schools

Applying to Graduate School

Also see this list of questions and scroll to the bottom to ask graduate programs (and REUs) to help in the selection process of which program you would like to attend.

Post-Baccalaureate Programs

Many Post-Baccalaureate Programs act as a bridge in preparation for graduate school for those who have recently graduated with an undergraduate degree.

If you would like to learn more information about these programs and the benefits they provide to both students and the mathematical community, feel free to read this article from the Notices of the American Mathematical Society by Sophia D Merow.  

Finding Post-Baccalaureate Programs


Finding Internships

Study Abroad Opportunities

There are a wide variety of Study Abroad opportunities available for students to take courses in the mathematical sciences for credit during the school year or the summer and also conduct research. Along with the programs listed below, you can look into study abroad programs offered through your own institution (usually through contacting your university's Study Abroad Office)!

Finding Study Abroad Opportunities

Our Favorite...

Programs and Organizations that Support Marginalized Mathematicians

Resources for Students and Faculty Presentation

To the right is a resource presentation that we presented during our 5th annual conference! The goal of the presentation is to give information regarding:

Public OURFA2M2 2025 Resources Presentation

Webinar on Developing your Mathematical Career for Undergraduates

On October 18th 2022, we gave a webinar as a free event that was part of the Mathematical Association of America Virtual Programming called Developing Your Career as an Undergraduate Math Major: Advice from the Organizers of OURFA2M2. This was hosted by organizers: Ashka Dalal, Brittany Gelb, and Michael N Johnson III.

Abstract: Undergraduate students that attend will learn more about starting or advancing a career in mathematics. We’ll discuss how to network, seek career mentorship, and pursue career-building opportunities in math such as research, study-abroad, and teaching programs.

After this webinar, students could attend OURFA2M2 2022 and


Workshops hosted by the mathematical community are a wonderful way to learn new skills, find opportunities, get advice about applications, and much more!

In the past, OURFA2M2 held workshops on 

If you would like to be notified when there are future workshops, please join our email list here!

If you know about any other resource that could benefit students trying to start a career in mathematics, please send us an email with

to Thank you!